Wednesday, 30 December 2009

5)Who is the target audience and how have they been targeted in the UK?

The target audience in the UK are Sci-Fi enthusiasts, people interested in development of media and males.

The films have been targeted to reach these audiences.
Reviews on Sci-Fi sites such as appeal to Sci-Fi fans directly and this is a way of narrow casting to this specific audience.
There are numerous links a fan can follow that tell them more about the film, including reviews and the technology behind the film.

There are also links to the games on this site. People who are interested in the development of technology can follow the development of the game itself.
Video Sci Fi UK

This cross media convergence gives the distributors a greater reach. The filmmakers and game developers collaborated heavily, and Cameron decided to include some of Ubisoft's vehicle and creature designs into the film. James Cameron's Avatar: The Game was released on December 1, 2009, for most home video game consoles (PS3, X Box360, Wii, Nintendo DS, IPhone). The game appealed to young males. People who had played the game would want to go and see the film.

The link with LG also helped to promote the film and directly target people who were interested in the development of technology.

Moreover, people were able to download pictures, screen savers and trailers to their IPods and phones. This was another way to get people talking about the much hyped film. It also appealed to technologically minded people and allowed the movie to be accessed at anytime, anywhere.

The premier in The Odeon in Lestier Square also was important in targeting the audience. The hype around the film was massive and much talked about. The Premier exploited this, and made more people aware of the film. The premier was shown on BBC News at 10. This broad casted the release of the film, reaching massive audiences. The blue carpet used, instead of the usual Red carpet was also a talking point and made this premier stand aside from others.

The 12A certificate also allowed the film to be targeted at families. The release during the Christmas period meant many families would be visiting the cinema. The 12A certificate allowed families to attend.
